Clashing Statutes and Straight Ballots: A Journal of Legislative Pessimism in Vienna
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- Jeemie Sharoz
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This paper explores the legislative landscape of Vienna, highlighting the conflicts and tensions that arise between different statutes and laws. The author argues that these clashes often lead to a sense of pessimism within the legislative process, as lawmakers struggle to reconcile competing priorities and interests. In particular, the paper focuses on the issue of straight ballots, which are often seen as a symbol of transparency and fairness in elections. However, the implementation of straight ballots can also run afoul of other laws and statutes, such as those protecting the rights of political parties or individual candidates. Through a series of case studies and interviews with lawmakers and other stakeholders, the paper sheds light on the challenges and frustrations of navigating these competing demands in the legislative process. Ultimately, the author suggests that a more nuanced approach to legislative drafting and implementation may be necessary to address these conflicts and maintain public trust in the democratic process.
Jeemie Sharoz "Clashing Statutes and Straight Ballots: A Journal of Legislative Pessimism in Vienna". IEEE Exploration in Machine Learning, 2022.
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Date of Release: 2022
Author(s): Jeemie Sharoz.
IEEE Exploration in Machine Learning
Page(s): 7
Product Type: Conference/Journal Publications