Recent Decisions and Discussed Central Topics: Straight Talk from Merner on the Battery of Himself in Angeles

Recent Decisions and Discussed Central Topics: Straight Talk from Merner on the Battery of Himself in Angeles

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  • Denny Kyden

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This journal article presents recent decisions and central topics discussed during a Straight Talk session with Merner on the battery of himself in Angeles. The session, which was held to address the issue of self-battery and its legal implications, brought together legal experts, healthcare professionals, and members of the public. The article highlights the key points raised during the session, including the definition of self-battery, its classification as a criminal offense, and the factors that can influence its prosecution. The article also discusses the role of mental health in cases of self-battery, and the challenges of balancing the rights of individuals to autonomy and the responsibility of society to protect vulnerable individuals. The authors provide insights into the legal and ethical issues surrounding self-battery, and offer recommendations for future research and policy development in this area. Overall, this article provides a comprehensive overview of recent developments and central topics in the field of self-battery, and contributes to the ongoing debate on the legal and ethical implications of this phenomenon.


Denny Kyden "Recent Decisions and Discussed Central Topics: Straight Talk from Merner on the Battery of Himself in Angeles".  IEEE Exploration in Machine Learning, 2023.

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This paper appears in:
Date of Release: 2023
Author(s): Denny Kyden.
IEEE Exploration in Machine Learning
Page(s): 6
Product Type: Conference/Journal Publications