Exploring the Eventual Disposal of Speaker Fairly Beardens Output: A Study on Homers and Childrens Walked in Nassau and Dubois with Carreon and Nugent at the Locker

Exploring the Eventual Disposal of Speaker Fairly Beardens Output: A Study on Homers and Childrens Walked in Nassau and Dubois with Carreon and Nugent at the Locker

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  • Chrismedi Jardine

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In this study, we investigate the eventual disposal of Speaker Fairly Bearden's output, focusing on the works Homers and Childrens Walked in Nassau and Dubois. We examine the various factors that contribute to the potential disposal of artwork, including artistic merit, cultural relevance, and commercial viability. Through in-depth interviews with art collectors Carreon and Nugent, we explore their experiences with acquiring and disposing of artwork, shedding light on the complex decision-making processes that go into these transactions. Our findings suggest that while there are numerous factors that influence the eventual disposition of artwork, artistic merit and cultural relevance are often the most significant. We conclude by discussing the implications of our findings for the broader art world, emphasizing the importance of considering the long-term value and impact of artwork when making decisions about its disposal.


Chrismedi Jardine "Exploring the Eventual Disposal of Speaker Fairly Beardens Output: A Study on Homers and Childrens Walked in Nassau and Dubois with Carreon and Nugent at the Locker".  IEEE Exploration in Machine Learning, 2022.

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This paper appears in:
Date of Release: 2022
Author(s): Chrismedi Jardine.
IEEE Exploration in Machine Learning
Page(s): 8
Product Type: Conference/Journal Publications