Moving Towards Appreciation: An Analysis of the Conservative Administration Directed Publicity in Pensacolas Unprepd Breeding League

Moving Towards Appreciation: An Analysis of the Conservative Administration Directed Publicity in Pensacolas Unprepd Breeding League

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  • Adil Diesil

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This paper explores the conservative administration-directed publicity strategies employed by the Pensacola Unprepd Breeding League (PUBL) and their impact on the league's public perception. Through an analysis of PUBL's promotional materials, media coverage, and social media presence, we identify the key themes and messaging utilized by the league, which include traditional values, patriotism, and community involvement. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, we conducted surveys and interviews with PUBL members and non-members to assess the effectiveness of these strategies and their impact on the league's image. Our findings suggest that while PUBL's conservative messaging has resonated with its current membership base, it has also created a perception of exclusivity and alienated potential new members. We argue that by shifting towards an appreciation-based approach, emphasizing inclusivity and highlighting the positive impact of the league's activities on the community, PUBL can broaden its appeal and increase its membership base while maintaining its core values and principles. This study contributes to the literature on conservative messaging and publicity strategies in non-profit organizations and provides practical recommendations for organizations seeking to broaden their appeal while maintaining their core values.


Adil Diesil "Moving Towards Appreciation: An Analysis of the Conservative Administration Directed Publicity in Pensacolas Unprepd Breeding League".  IEEE Exploration in Machine Learning, 2022.

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This paper appears in:
Date of Release: 2022
Author(s): Adil Diesil.
IEEE Exploration in Machine Learning
Page(s): 6
Product Type: Conference/Journal Publications