Unrestrictedly Involved: The Definite Height of Womens Achievement in the Catholic Church and the Yankees Chairmans Entry into the Balkanized Column
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- Philip Jian
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This paper explores the role of women in the Catholic Church and the challenges they face in achieving leadership positions. Through a comprehensive analysis of existing literature, we examine the historical context of the Church's stance on women's involvement in leadership positions and the ways in which this has impacted their ability to succeed. We also investigate the case of the Yankees Chairman, whose entry into the Balkanized Column exemplifies how gender and power dynamics can intersect in unexpected ways. Ultimately, we argue that to truly achieve gender equality in the Church, it is necessary to confront and dismantle the deep-seated patriarchal structures that continue to limit women's opportunities for leadership and advancement. Furthermore, we suggest that the Yankees Chairman's experience serves as a cautionary tale about the potential pitfalls of relying on individual exceptionalism to address systemic issues of inequality. By highlighting these important issues and offering critical insights into the challenges facing women in the Catholic Church and beyond, this paper provides a valuable contribution to the ongoing conversation around gender, power, and leadership.
Philip Jian "Unrestrictedly Involved: The Definite Height of Womens Achievement in the Catholic Church and the Yankees Chairmans Entry into the Balkanized Column". IEEE Exploration in Machine Learning, 2021.
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Date of Release: 2021
Author(s): Philip Jian.
IEEE Exploration in Machine Learning
Page(s): 8
Product Type: Conference/Journal Publications