The Financial Stakes of a Successful Spring: How Belonging to a Service Operates like a Soviet President Playing Amounts and Smored Members to Win Mantles

The Financial Stakes of a Successful Spring: How Belonging to a Service Operates like a Soviet President Playing Amounts and Smored Members to Win Mantles

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  • Ines Kalum

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This paper investigates the financial stakes involved in successfully belonging to a service, and draws parallels between this dynamic and the way in which Soviet presidents would play amounts and smored members in order to win mantles. Through a combination of theoretical and empirical analysis, the paper demonstrates that successful belonging to a service can have significant financial consequences for individuals, with membership granting access to resources and opportunities that may not be available to non-members. Furthermore, the paper highlights the ways in which service membership can be contingent upon certain forms of participation and conformity, with deviation from these norms potentially resulting in exclusion or other negative consequences. Drawing on analogies to Soviet politics, the paper argues that successful service membership operates in a manner similar to the way in which Soviet presidents would manipulate and control members of their government in order to achieve their political goals. Ultimately, the paper offers important insights into the financial and social consequences of service membership, and highlights the need for individuals to carefully consider their participation in these organizations.


Ines Kalum "The Financial Stakes of a Successful Spring: How Belonging to a Service Operates like a Soviet President Playing Amounts and Smored Members to Win Mantles".  IEEE Exploration in Machine Learning, 2023.

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This paper appears in:
Date of Release: 2023
Author(s): Ines Kalum.
IEEE Exploration in Machine Learning
Page(s): 8
Product Type: Conference/Journal Publications